File | Options | Workspace

Database information

In Portfolio versions of DPL, you can control whether to automatically load database information (table names and field names) upon file open, not load or to be prompted each time.

Embedded Workspaces

When working with DPL and Excel you can choose to embed your DPL Workspace into an Excel file. For more on Embedding Workspaces see Embedding. Check the box if you'd like to save the Excel file upon a DPL Workspace save.

If you make updates to the Excel file that the DPL Workspace is embedded in and then do a File | Save As in Excel, you can choose whether or not to be prompted as to whether DPL should embed the Workspace in the more recent file that's open in Excel.

On File | New

For DPL Fault Tree version, you can control whether to load a regular Model Window (Influence Diagram + Decision Tree) or a Fault Tree Model Window for the File | New command.

Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

See Also

Layout Settings Dialog

Model Settings | Decision Tree

Run Settings dialog

Model Settings | Links

File | Options | General

File | Options | Outputs