Product Comparison

A Comparison of our Decision Analytic Software Tools

Syncopation Software offers a variety of options so you can essentially buy our decision tree-based analytic tools “by the yard”. From performing quick and simple risk and decision analyses on your cash flow spreadsheet, to building a rigorous, extensible risk and decision support system, to the allocation of investments across a portfolio of R&D assets – Syncopation is sure to have a solution that’s a perfect match for your organization’s decisions.

Hover your cursor over features listed below to view a pop-up description.

Influence Diagrams X X X X X
Decision Trees X X X X X
Decision Tree Rollback X X X X X
Fast Sequence Evaluation X X X X X
Bayesian Revision X X X X X
Excel Spreadsheet Links X X X X X
Conditioning X X X X X
Monte Carlo Simulation X X X X X
Risk Tolerance & Utility Functions X X X X X
Risk Profiles X X X X X
Policy Trees™ X X X X X
Policy Summaries™ X X X X X
Value Correlations Charts X X X X X
Value of Information & Control X X X X X
Tornado Diagrams X X X X X
Rainbow Diagrams X X X X X
Endpoint Database™ X X X X X
Multiple Attributes X X X X X
Time Series Percentiles X X X X X
Option Value Charts X X X X X
Subtree Risk Profiles X X X X X
Arrays in the Influence Diagram X X X X X
Excel spreadsheet Conversion X X X X X
DPL Programs X X X X X
Embed Workspace in Excel file X X X X X
Node collections X X X X X
Multiple Objective Functions X X X X
Parallel Endpoint Recording X X X X
Pruned Sequential Decision Tree X X X X
Estimate Probabilities from Data X X X X
Risk Profile Reduction X X X X
Database Links X X X X
Multiple Expert Aggregation X X X X
Excel Macros from DPL X X X X
User Function Libraries (DLLs) X X X X
Automation API X X X X
Fault Tree Analysis X
Circuit Diagrams X
Minimal Cut Sets X
Partial Derivatives X
Module Embedding X
True/ False Costs X
Portfolio Analysis X X
Multiple Dataset Feeds X X
Project Categorization X X
Risk/Reward Chart X X
Productivity Ratio Chart X X
Project Value Range Charts X X
Data Reports X X
Given Success & Subtree Attributes X X
CSV Definition of Portfolio X X
Custom Charts X X
Automatic Update of Charts & Reports X X
Cloud-based Hosting X
DPMX Portal X
Centralized Database X
Managed Excel Spreadsheets X
On-Demand Results and Reporting X
Multi-User Access Controls X