Program-Linked Portfolios

DPL Portfolio models typically have initialization links and/or calculation links. Initialization links provide data to one or many of the nodes in the model. Calculation links provide value model calculations to a DPL Model for a portfolio analysis. DPL Portfolios can be linked to DPL Programs using either initialization links, calculation links, or both. A program-linked DPL Portfolio is therefore a Portfolio Group that has initialization links and/or calculation links to DPL Programs.

When a DPL Portfolio has initialization links to DPL Programs, some or all of the data used in the DPL model is stored in DPL programs. The DPL Programs are created by the user. The linked DPL Programs are stored in the DPL Workspace, where they can be edited "on the fly" directly within the Workspace as needed to reflect changes in data. Usually there is a one to one correspondence between the initialization DPL Programs and the projects in the Portfolio, i.e., each DPL Program is used to initialize data for exactly one project.

When a DPL Portfolio has calculation links to DPL Programs, it means that the calculations for the DPL value model are coded in one or more DPL Programs. The program(s) are stored in the DPL Workspace. Often (but not always), there is one calculation program that is used for multiple projects. In this situation, the valuation uses the same calculations and structure across multiple projects, with distinct data being fed in (e.g., from initialization programs) for each project. The easiest way (but not the only way) to create a calculation-linked DPL Program is to convert a calculation-linked spreadsheet to a DPL Program.

Versions: DPL Portfolio

See Also

Database-Linked Portfolios

Spreadsheet-Linked Portfolios

Converting Spreadsheets to DPL Programs

Portfolio Analysis Options

Portfolio Overview