Database-Linked Portfolios

DPL Portfolio models typically have initialization links that provide data to one or many of the nodes in the model. The initialization links can be to a DPL Program, a spreadsheet, or a database. Database-linked portfolios are DPL portfolios (Portfolio Groups) in which the Initialization Link type is a Database.

Database-linked portfolios have several advantages. They are useful for larger portfolios, when storing the project data in spreadsheet templates becomes cumbersome. Project data can be stored in a central corporate location, easily modified by multiple users, and accessed by DPL Portfolio as needed for analysis. Data revisions can be easily tracked using DPL Portfolio's Revision Tracking feature.

The Database linked to DPL Portfolio can include records in multiple tables, but the tables must reside in a single database. The records in the database are identified to DPL by the combination of a Model ID and a Project ID, so each record in each database table must have a Model ID and a Project ID, as well as other fields to describe and store the actual data. Usually each Model ID/Project ID combination will correspond to one project in the DPL Portfolio.

When a database-linked portfolio analysis is run, the project data may be extracted from the database for use in subsequent analysis. When this occurs, DPL creates DPL Programs to store the project data. The programs created may be overwritten by subsequent data extracts.

See Database Linking Overview for more information on database linking.

Versions: DPL Portfolio

See Also

Program-Linked Portfolios

Spreadsheet-Linked Portfolios

Portfolio Overview

Database Linking Overview