Selecting Nodes and Branches in the Decision Tree

To select a node in the decision tree, click on it with the left mouse button. The node and node name will turn magenta.

With a node selected in the decision tree, you can make the following changes.

To select a branch(es), click on it with the left mouse button. The branch will turn magenta. Any other branches which share the same endpoint will also be selected.

With a branch or branches selected in the decision tree, you can make the following changes.

If you have selected a node or branch and wish to cancel the selection, press Esc or click in whitespace.

Using the Keyboard

You can also use the arrow keys to select nodes in the decision tree. The Right and Left arrows scroll from node to branch to node, and the Up and Down arrows scroll from branch to branch (if the node is asymmetric).


To select multiple nodes or branches, use Ctrl+Click. Ctrl+Click toggles the selected state of the node/branch. You can also select a group of nodes and branches by holding down shift and dragging a rectangle with the mouse around items you wish to select. Any object whose center falls within the rectangle will be selected when you release the mouse button.

To select all nodes and branches in a Decision Tree, use Ctrl+A.

If you have selected one or more nodes and/or branches and wish to cancel the selection, press Esc or click the mouse in whitespace. If you have selected multiple nodes and you click (without holding Ctrl) on a node that is not one of the selected nodes, the group of nodes previously selected is unselected and only the new node is selected.

Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

See Also

Decision Tree Nodes