Text Policy Trees

To view the Policy Tree in text format activate the Policy tree and check Policy | Display | Text View. By default, DPL will show only those decision paths that are optimal and only as many decision levels as are needed to display all decision alternatives; other paths will be collapsed. If you have changed the detail level in the graphic view, the text view will show the same detail.

The Policy Tree in text format is a verbal description of the decision tree. Each line ending with one of the words decide, decision, gamble, or chance represents a branch in the decision tree and the node to which it leads. All other lines represent branches leading to decision tree endpoints. Wherever the model contained a probability or expression to be evaluated, the Policy Tree will have the computed value for the path of the tree.

The optimal policy is highlighted in yellow. Computed values are shown after "get" or "pay", probabilities are shown in parentheses, and rollback values are shown in square braces.

Changing the Detail Level of a Text Policy Tree

For complex problems, the Policy Tree can be quite large. DPL allows you to adjust the level of detail shown in the window to suit your needs. To expand the text policy, double-click on a collapsed line (one that ends in ... ) or select the line by using the up and down arrows to highlight it and press Enter. To reduce the size of the displayed policy, double-click on any line, or select the line and press Enter. If you didn't request all policy levels when you ran the analysis, you may not be able to expand the tree fully.

Displaying the Certain Equivalent-Based Policy

To display the certain equivalent-based policy, choose View | Results | CE in the Policy Tree window. If your model does not include a utility function, the certain equivalent option will not be available.

Printing a Text Policy Tree

To print a text Policy Tree, choose File | Print. For more information, see Printing.

Exporting a Text Policy Tree

To save a text Policy Tree, choose Data | Export | Data. In the dialog, enter the name of the file to which to save the policy. The exported file is a text file. You can view and edit a policy file using any text editor or word processing package.

Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

See Also

Graphic Policy Trees