Evaluating and Displaying an Expression (Command Program)

In the Command Program, you can interactively evaluate expressions, from simple statements involving a single variable to complex mathematical expressions involving many different events, variables, and functions.

Assume your compiled model is a program containing the following definitions.

value LastYrsSales = 36075;
value DMarkToDollars = 1.55;

A command to display the value of a variable can be as simple as the name of that variable. For example, to display the value of the variable LastYrsSales, you can type the name of the variable as a command.


When you click Execute | Run, the number represented by LastYrsSales is displayed in the Log window.

LastYrsSales = 36075;

If you did not compile the program before executing the command, DPL will display the error message Value not found.

The name of a variable is a simple DPL expression, consisting of a value name and no operators. Expressions can also be complex. Suppose the Sales Director wants to know last year's sales in dollars instead of German Marks.


The Session Log displays the result.

LastYrsSales / DMarkToDollars = 23274

In the preceding examples, LastYrsSales and DMarkToDollars did not depend on any conditioning events. However, if a value depends on conditioning events, the states of those events must be known for DPL to know which number is represented by that value.

Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

See Also

Working in the Command Program