Select Data dialog

The Select Data dialog is displayed when you create a Data Report (Portfolio | Report | Run). It allows you to select the inputs you wish to include in the Data Report and control other settings for the creation of the summary.

Selecting Inputs

In the list box, select the input nodes you wish to summarize. If your Portfolio has more than one group, the inputs for all the groups are displayed in the inputs list. Use the Select All button to select all input nodes.

Note that if you select nodes in the Influence Diagram first, all selected nodes (highlighted magenta) will automatically appear pre-selected in the dialog.

Show Intermediate Nodes

With this check box unchecked DPL only displays nodes initialized by constant values (i.e., numbers or initialization-linked nodes) in the models associated with the portfolio groups. If you check this box, DPL also displays intermediate calculations (i.e., nodes with formulas, nodes overwritten by variables from a calculation program as well as nodes initialized by constant values).

Data Report appearance

There are a number of check boxes that control how the Data Report will look once it is created.

The first three of these control how variable are grouped.

  1. Group probabilities for unconditioned chance nodes: If you check this, all the probabilities for unconditioned chance nodes will be grouped on one sheet.
  2. Group values for unconditioned decision/chance nodes: If you check this, all the values associated with chance outcomes for unconditioned chance nodes and decision alternatives for unconditioned decisions will be grouped on one sheet.
  3. Group values for unconditioned value nodes: If you check this, all the unconditioned values nodes will be grouped on one sheet.

The remaining check boxes control other aspects of how the summary is created.

  • Display input data for default states only: if you check this box, DPL sets all events to their default states and displays only the data associated with these.
  • Display project categories: this check box will not be enabled if you do not have project categories defined. If you do and you check this box, DPL adds the project categories following the project name in the Data Report.
  • Display column totals: if you check this box, DPL will total and display the values in each column with numeric data.
  • Columns are years: if you check this box, then you are indicating to DPL that the columns are years. You should enter the first year in the First year edit box. DPL will label the columns with the years.

Database data

If you have a database-linked portfolio, you must indicate to DPL whether to extract data from the database or to use previously extracted data for the Data Report.

Versions: DPL Portfolio

See Also

Data Reports

Data Extraction Options

Grid Views

Row/Column Sizing