Mathematical Spreadsheet Functions

All of the arguments of these functions (x, y, z, s, and w) are expressions. Series and array subranges are allowed in any argument requiring a series or array (without subscripts).

DPL Excel Action
@abs(x)ABS(x) The absolute value of x.
@exp(x)EXP(x) The number e (2.718281828459045) raised to the xth power. If the argument of @exp( ) is larger than 709, the function will produce a number larger than DPL can store or process.
@int(x)TRUNC(x) The integer part of x.
xlint(x)INT(x) Rounds x down to the nearest integer.
@ln(x)LN(x) The natural logarithm (base e) of x. Not defined if the argument is 0 or negative.
@log(x)LOG(x),LOG10(x) The logarithm (base 10) of x. Not defined if the argument is 0 or negative.
@mod(x,y)MOD(x,y) The remainder when x is divided by y. The second argument cannot be 0.
xlmod(x,y)MOD(x,y) The remainder when x is divided by y. The second argument cannot be 0.
@piPI( ) The number pi (3.141592653589793). This function does not take an argument or parentheses. If you place parentheses after it, DPL will generate an error message.
@round(x,y)ROUND(x,y) x rounded to y places.
@sqrt(x)SQRT(x) The positive square root of x. Not defined if its argument is negative.
xltranspose(s)TRANSPOSE(s) The transpose of the series or array s.

Notes: This information is subject to change. New functions are added from time to time. Contact technical support for the latest compatibility information.

Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

See Also

Spreadsheet Functions