When you select Home | Sensitivity | Option Value, DPL displays the Option Value Chart Setup dialog. (Note: option value charts can only be generated for discrete models that have decisions.)
Default Alternatives
For each decision in the model, specify which alternative is the default or status quo.The expected value of the model with all decisions fixed at their default alternatives will serve as the baseline for the analysis. The "option value" of each decision is the amount by which the expected value increases when that decision is allowed to be made flexibly (as it normally would be during a Decision Analysis). When the option value of a decision is calculated, all previous decisions in the tree are also made flexibly, but all subsequent decisions are controlled to their Default Alternatives. If the default alternative is the optimal alternative in all scenarios, the option value will be zero.
See Option Value Charts for additional discussion of how the choice of Default Alternatives affects the results shown in the chart.
Save above settings as Default Alternatives
If this box is checked when OK is clicked, the default alternatives specified in the table will be used to update the default alternative settings for each of the decisions, as if they had been changed in Node Definition | General.Use Defaults defined in Node General; don't show dialog again
If this box is checked, subsequent option value chart runs will use the default alternatives and this dialog box will not be shown. As displayed, you can reset this options within the Sensitivity Run Settings dialog (Home | Sensitivity | Options). Evaluation Method The Evaluation Method DPL should use in the analysis. Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL PortfolioSee Also