Node Definition | Data for Strategy Node

The Data tab of the Node Definition dialog for a strategy table node allows you to add/edit/delete strategies and add/edit/delete decisions for a strategy table.

Strategy Table Window

The main portion of the Data tab is the graphic representation of the strategy table. The Strategy Table window allows you to define strategies in terms of decision alternatives. This is accomplished by dragging and dropping icons as described below. You can also right-click to access the context menu. The context menu commands are described below.

Accessing Commands

There are a number of available commands in the Strategy Table Window. These can be accessed by either the context menu (right-click in the window) or by clicking the Commands button.

Defining Strategies

A strategy is defined in terms of a decision alternative for each of the decisions included in the strategy table. Initially a strategy will be defined by the first decision alternative of each decision. Strategies are represented using colored square, circle, and triangle shaped icons. The first strategy is red, the second green, etc.. The icon for a strategy appears underneath the decision alternative that defines it for each decision in the strategy table. Use the following procedure to define a strategy.

  • Click on the icon for the strategy displayed next to the strategy's name in the left-hand column.
  • Drag the icon to the first decision column.
  • Place the mouse cursor under the alternative that you wish to define the strategy for the first decision.
  • Release the mouse button. The icon for the strategy appears under the desired alternative.
  • Repeat the process for each decision in the table.

Note: a strategy must be defined by an alternative of each of the decisions in the strategy table. However, not every alternative of a decision needs to be used to define a strategy.

Creating a New Strategy

  • Right-click within the strategy window.
  • Select Add Strategy from the context menu. DPL enters rename mode.
  • Name the strategy.

Creating a New Decision

  • Right-click the strategy window.
  • Select Add New Decision from the context menu. DPL enters rename mode.
  • Name the decision.
  • Name its alternatives.
  • If needed, right-click within the decision box to add alternatives via the context menu.

Creating a New Alternative

  • Right-click within the decision box that you'd like to add an alternative to.
  • Select Add Alternative. DPL enters rename mode.
  • Name the alternative.

Adding Existing Decision

You can add decisions that exist in the Influence Diagram to the strategy table node.

  • Right-click the strategy window and select Add Existing Decision... from the context menu. The Select Decision(s) dialog appears.
  • Select the decision(s) you wish to add.
  • Click OK.

Breaking Out a Decision

  • Right-click within the decision's box that you'd like to break out of the strategy table.
  • Select Break Out Decision. DPL removes the decision from the strategy table node but keeps it in the Influence Diagram.


  • Select the item you wish to delete (strategy/decision/alternative).
  • Right-click or click Commands.
  • Select Delete.


  • Double-click the item you wish to rename (strategy/decision/alternative).
  • Rename the item.
  • Press enter when done.


Commands: Use this button to access the commands found within the context menu.

Print: Allows you to print the strategy table.

Page Setup: Allows you to set page orientation, etc.

Copy: Copies the strategy table for pasting into another application as graphics.

Format: Allows you to add a title, subtitle, change fonts, and modify the size of the markers.

Full Screen: Toggles between full screen and normal dialog mode.

Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

See Also

Node Definition