Filtering the Endpoint Grid

If you have an Endpoint Database displayed in a grid and active, you can select Grid | Sort & Filter | Filter from the ribbon to filter the grid so that only grid rows (endpoints) meeting certain criteria are displayed.

Select Grid | Sort & Filter | Filter to filter the grid. The Filter dialog allows you to set up to five filter conditions. For each filter condition, use the drop-down box to select the column to use for the condition and then select the state(s) or range of the column to use for the filter.

In the Endpoint Database grid, there is one column for each event (decision or chance node), one column for the probability associated with the endpoint, one column for the objective function and one for each attribute. The columns are filtered as follows:

  • Events: Select one or more states from the list for that event. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys to select multiple states to include in the filter.
  • Probability: Use the Min and Max boxes to define the minimum and maximum probability (between 0 and 1) associated with each endpoint to be included.
  • Objective Function and Attributes: Use the Min and Max boxes to determine the range you would like to include.
  • Check the Inclusive box if you wish to include the Min and Max values in the range (for continuous values).

    Row must meet all/any of the above conditions

    By default, DPL filters so that the displayed endpoints must meet all of the conditions defined in your filter. If you prefer to filter so that the displayed endpoints meet any of the conditions defined, check the "any" radio button instead of "all". This is equivalent to using an "OR" condition instead of an "AND" condition in the filter logic.

    For events, the state levels are indexed beginning with 0. For example, a three-state event will have levels numbered 0, 1, 2.

    Custom Filters

    Click the Custom button to define a custom filter. The easiest way to see an example of syntax for a custom filter is to first define a filter using the Filter dialog, and then click Custom. The filter you defined will be displayed in the Custom filter edit box, and you can modify it from there.

    The syntax for Custom filters can be summarized as follows:

  • && means AND
  • || means OR
  • == means EQUAL TO
  • != means NOT EQUAL TO
  • <, > means LESS THAN, GREATER THAN, respectively
  • <= means LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO
  • ! means NOT

    Parentheses are used in Custom filters in the same manner as you would expect in other logical contexts, e.g., Excel functions. In the filter logic, the columns are denoted Col_1, Col_2, etc. For example, the following filter:

    ((Col_1 == 0 || Col_1 == 2) && (Col_4 == 0) && (Col_6 < 3))

    defines a filter in which the first column (Col_1) is either 0 or 2, and the fourth column is 0, and the sixth column is less than 3.

    Clearing a Filter

    To clear a filter, select Grid | Sort & Filter | Clear. DPL will clear the filter, which may take a few seconds.

    Versions: DPL Professional, DPL Enterprise, DPL Portfolio

    See Also

    Endpoint Database Grid

    Sorting Data in a Grid