DPL 9.00.14 update is available

Partial Derivatives

The DPL maintenance update 9.00.14 is now available for download. It includes the following fixes/changes/enhancements:

CHG: Prevent linking to the same Excel cell as both driver and metric (#2606)
ENH: Added URL for fault tree auto-update check (#2609)
BUG: Problem duplicating fault tree model displayed in circuit diagram mode (#2612)
BUG: Crash after error displaying circuit diagram for incomplete fault tree (#2613)
BUG: Fault tree partial derivatives unsorted after sort turned off and back on (#2615)
ENH: Copy fault tree to clipboard as bitmap and metafile (#2618)
BUG: Internal error 6 after fault tree undo (#2619)
BUG: Add blank fault tree to blank workspace causes crash (#2626)
ENH: Improved error reporting for certain operations with Excel (#2646)
BUG: Crash creating program from non-portfolio model in portfolio version (#2654)
ENH: Wildcards in init link references for Excel-linked portfolios (#2465)

Most of you will be able to update automatically by answering yes to the prompt when you start DPL. Mac and users in certain managed corporate environments will need to download the update explicitly. Downloading and installing the update should only take a few minutes. Contact support if you have any questions. Please keep your DPL installation current for best performance.

You can explicitly download the DPL update from our Product Updates page.